Tuesday, November 16, 2010

blog 4.1

            In the article “Rewired” by Larry Rosen, she has a strong belief on using technologies such as the internet and mobile devices as teaching tools; this is an idea I believe is true. Since most kids already use technology every minute of their day, the use of technology used for teaching would just be a plus. Teaching with technology would give the student more time to work on their work. Since most kids are interested in technology, teaching with technology might spark an interest in the subject of what they are learning.
            The article talks about how Rosen is a strong advocate strong advocate of using technologies such as the Internet and mobile devices as teaching tools. While reading the article, many individuals think about how kids being “plugged in” too long will cause health problems including obesity. She explains how the parents should be responsible directing their children to doing their work for periods of time, followed by other activities, and then back to their studies. This would go on until the homework is eventually finished. In her own experience in working with families, the formula that works best with preteens and teens is 30 minutes of non-tech followed by one hour of technology (schoolwork done with technology or without but tech multitasking should be allowed!). Since most kids use these technology as their social network, which helps them grow and develop, individuals should use their love of technology to make schoolwork more fun while setting guidelines that improve their health. Therefore, she believes this is a win-win situation for everyone.

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