Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Final Project Blog: My Dependency to Technologies

     Technology plays an important role in my life. It carries functions I need to perform my daily routines in a timely fashion without much effort and gives me entertainment throughout the day. My life would dramatically change if the technologies I own would disappear. I would need to schedule my day all over because of the time it saves me. One example of this is my alarm clock. This piece of technology allows me to have a peaceful night sleep without having to worry trying to stay half awake just to wake up at a certain time. Technology itself is changing every day and in the future will make our lives easier than what it already is.

One of the most important pieces of technology I have is my cell phone; I use it multiple times a day. My main purpose of this device is to make a simple phone call, but the alarm clock, email and calculator functions are useful as well. This is now the main way of communication in the modern era. Before this technology was available, mailing letters was the way of passing information along. Therefore, it saves me time and effort from composing a letter to get information across to the other party.  

Another important piece of modern technology in my daily life is my car. It’s astonishing how much of an impact it has on my everyday routine. I mainly use it for my commute to work and school. It allows me to get to my destination without having to take the subway, walking, or any other means of physical transportation. None of these are as feasible as using my car, as they would be physically exhausting and time wasting each day. With the time and energy my car allows me, I can perform a lot more events throughout my day.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog 4.4

Arriving to school was nerve wrecking for me; as I always feel before taking every test. While heading to the hallway where my faith was held, I grabbed a bite to eat. This allowed me to take a test and not worry about being hungry.
            As I looked at my cell phone for a time check, I realized it was 10 minutes from taking the test which allowed me to exit the English remedial class which I was enrolled in. I began to wander off to class.
            The bench across from the class room is where I sat at and began to think to myself the importance of the CATW. That thought led me to strategize on how I should approach the exam. It was now time for me to walk in the class. I jolted up with a huge boost of confidence and walked right into the class.
            The exam professor was handing out a test booklet, which was to write our essays on, and a bubble sheet to bubble in our information. I walked right up to him, grabbed the booklet and sheet, and sat right down. He had instructed to fill the sheet right away, so that is what I did. At approximately 6:00 PM, the test had begun. I was quick to read the prompt and article so it gave me ample time to write.
            While writing my essay, all of a sudden I froze. Remembering how I needed to pass the CATW gave me the strength I needed to keep on writing. Therefore, I had completed the entire essay. While getting up to hand the exam in, assurance in me passing it had crossed my mind. I handed it in and I walked out with a great feeling on how well I did on the test.        

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blog 4.2

Many individuals would like to believe that Google is the best thing that happened but I would like to object because I believe it is taking the easy way out. Google may be a useful source at times but all it’s doing is handing information on a silver platter for you. In the older days, if an individual needed to obtain some information about a subject, they had to go and interact with others who were knowledgeable about that certain subject. The library is a place of concentration where one may obtain knowledge without interruption from any electronics such as cell phones and instant messengers on computers.   
            In the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr, he emphasizes the impact that Google places on an individual’s brain. He speaks about how the brain needs deep thought and concentration to be able to retain and understand information. Google has the ability to give information too fast and without much thought to individuals. It also provides distractions with ads which Google profits off of. Nicholas Carr stresses that if an individual is interested in developing his mind, they should stop using computers and cell phones-and start thinking.
            With technology taking over the world, more individuals are losing the vital skill of socializing. Google is known to be a great search engine but it destroys one’s ability to socialize. Before computers existed, information was obtained through interacting with others or taking a trip to the library. This is seen in the younger generation where children are becoming less social by staying home to use their technology. Google is doing the same to us. Sooner or later, individuals would not be able to socialize.
            In order for the brain to retain information, deep thought and concentration is needed. This can be achieved at the library since there isn’t much distraction from cell phones or computers. The use of Google is extracting our use of the libraries. In a certain instance which I had to write a paper, the library was important because it gave me a stress and distract free environment. At first, I tried to complete the paper on my laptop at my house. With instant messenger, my cell phone, and even my girlfriend present, I wasn’t making much progress with my paper. Therefore, I decided to head to the library where the use of cell phones is prohibited. The environment this provided was crucial in the completion of my paper. Researching information through books was harder and took longer but it gave me deep concentration needed in order to remember the information. If I were to stay home and used Google to complete my paper, I believe I would have forgotten half of the information I researched.
            Many people would like to object to this but what’s the use of using Google to help research information if an individual is not going to remember it. Not only does Google destroys one’s ability to socialize, but it also takes one’s ability to retain the information they have researched. Google is spoon feeding individuals instead of one feeding themselves. So if you choose to take the easy way out, Google is the perfect place for you to research information.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

blog 4.1

            In the article “Rewired” by Larry Rosen, she has a strong belief on using technologies such as the internet and mobile devices as teaching tools; this is an idea I believe is true. Since most kids already use technology every minute of their day, the use of technology used for teaching would just be a plus. Teaching with technology would give the student more time to work on their work. Since most kids are interested in technology, teaching with technology might spark an interest in the subject of what they are learning.
            The article talks about how Rosen is a strong advocate strong advocate of using technologies such as the Internet and mobile devices as teaching tools. While reading the article, many individuals think about how kids being “plugged in” too long will cause health problems including obesity. She explains how the parents should be responsible directing their children to doing their work for periods of time, followed by other activities, and then back to their studies. This would go on until the homework is eventually finished. In her own experience in working with families, the formula that works best with preteens and teens is 30 minutes of non-tech followed by one hour of technology (schoolwork done with technology or without but tech multitasking should be allowed!). Since most kids use these technology as their social network, which helps them grow and develop, individuals should use their love of technology to make schoolwork more fun while setting guidelines that improve their health. Therefore, she believes this is a win-win situation for everyone.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blog 3.5

            Fast food companies are overwhelming their locations throughout the lower class neighborhoods. I believe the government should intervene in the mass production of the fast food industry which is taking over the poorer communities. There are many ways this can be addressed such as providing classes in schools which educates kids in eating healthy, through some sort of taxation on fast food companies that targets the “ghettos”, or even trying to stop the brain washing of these fast food companies that uses the media to advertise them. The fast food industry is leading Americans to an unhealthy lifestyle which increases many illnesses such as high-blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attacks, and many more.
            In the “Harper’s Magazine”, Greg Critser speaks about how fast food companies have been aggressively targeting the poor inner-city communities. Statistics shows one of every four hamburgers sold by McDonald’s is purchased by inner-city consumers who happen to be young black males. Critser also talks about how his local McDonald’s gets bombarded with low-income laborers getting out of work in the evening; mix with them are young black kids that are grabbing a bite to eat after school. During the evening rush that McDonald’s has, they try to promote their “Super Size Your Meal” through signs that reads, “If we don’t recommend a supersize, the supersize is free!” By supersizing a meal, teenagers are consuming more than half of their recommended calories for the day. This causes the teens diet to be so poor which causes physical activities in young teen boys and girls to drop be half.
            A class in schools on healthy eating that is mandated by the government could be a mean to approach this situation. If kids are educated in a healthy eating lifestyle, Americans as a whole would be much healthier. Personally, when I was a teenager, I was unaware of recommended calories and diets that a teen should have. If I didn’t have knowledge on eating healthy, then I wonder how many teens out there don’t know about how to have a healthy lifestyle. This shows that teens need to be thought these things. And if the government regulates a mandated class in schools, the number of illnesses in Americans would drop.
            Seeing how the government is taxing indoor tanning salons gave me the idea of a taxation being placed on these fast food companies. By the government taxing the indoor tanning salons, the number of people using indoor tanning dropped due to higher prices being charged. If the same idea is done to fast food companies, I believe the same concept would happen. It will cause fast food companies to increase their prices which would result in the decrease in sales.
            Now a day, the media has a high influence on individuals. In order to address this situation, the government would intervene in the media. Fast food companies are using the media as their number one way of advertisement. I consider this as brainwashing since it influences individuals’ way too easily. I encountered this last year during the super bowl. Hunger wasn’t crossing my mind until commercials were over flooded by Dominoes’ Pizza commercials. This caused me to pick up my phone and order some Dominoes Pizza. Now that I look back, I realized that the media influenced me into ordering the pizza; which in fact caused me to eat unhealthy. If the government took control of what get aired by the media, individuals would be healthier.
            There are many ways the government could address the situation we are going through at the moment with fast food companies targeting the poor neighborhoods. This can be done by blocking what the media airs, mandating a class on healthy eating in schools, or even taxing the fast food companies themselves. This is a serious concern that needs to be looked at. As I age and become enlightened with knowledge, I will put my all into addressing this; I now expect the same from you.  

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog Entry 3.2

            Humans with the assistance of computers by their side are more efficient than only a human or computer by themselves. In this day in age, vehicles now have the ability to parallel park itself. There are bookshelves of videos on the internet that can be used as a walk-through for nearly all problems that may occur. Even video games now have the ability to assist the players to beat the game. This comes to show that computers by the side of humans make any situation easier than just a human or computer by itself.
            The article “The Cyborg Advantage” by Clive Thompson is about how individuals are coming to rationalize that the use of computers by the side of humans prevails over a human or computer by itself. Garry Kasparov played a match of chess with a supercomputer called Deep Blue. Through endless lightning speed calculations, the bot won; humans cannot perform that process as fast a computer. In 2005, neither Kasparov nor the supercomputer won a “freestyle” online chess tournament. It was a bunch of amateurs using applications that assisted them during the match. There is a major debate about the use of computers between individuals who love the use of computers and the old-timers who do not.
            As a professional driver, I support the use of computers for the simple reason that it makes my life easier. The new cars that are being developed are now equipped with automatic parallel parking. In a perfect scenario, these cars can parallel park themselves. My judgment comes into play when I feel the vehicle is not capable of parking due to tight spots, objects in the way, etc. If this was to happen, that is when I would have to use my professional experience to park the car. That is why the judgment of humans on when to use the assistance prevails in many situations.
            Back in 90’s, if you had a computer with a problem, you would have called a technician to service it or send it in for repair. In the present time, computers with a problem now notifies the owner about the issue and asks you whether you want it to repair itself. Individuals are now starting to realize that it’s more convenient to have this assistance the computers now offer.
            Technology plays a major role in my life. My touch-screen cell phone, which has an actual keyboard on it, has the ability to use an application that allows you to use a virtual keyboard. Instead of just trying to figure how to install that application, I resorted to the use of “youtube.com”. On that website, I found a tutorial on how to install the application I needed in order to use the virtual keyboard. Not only did the use of the tutorial from “youtube.com” save me time, but it also saved me from frustration in which I would have had.
            Video game developers have improvised by developing such software that includes assistance to the player if he wants it. As a gamer, this could be helpful at times. In a certain situation which I was not able to pass a certain point of the game, the help of this assistance came into play. If this assistance was never developed, I would have been overwhelmed with frustration and that game would have ended at the bottom of the pile of games I own. It is also a good idea they developed this because if a second part of that game was too made in the future, the chance of me getting it would have been slim to none. So I would like to thank the great video game developers because I beat the game due to their intelligence.
            The assistant of computers along the side of humans is defiantly a plus. This is being realized by all from car engineers, all the way to video game developers. Sooner or later, all of the old-timers that opposed the use of computers among the side of humans will realized it too.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog 3.3

                Can cyberbullying inflict more pain than physical attacks? Many individuals would like to disagree but not me. In “The Net Is The Real World”, Jake Simms and Larry Magid talks about how cyberbullying can inflict mental wounds that is far worse than physical attacks. Individuals who are bullying may not see the amount of pain they are inflicting on the victim through the internet.
            On Sept. 22, a young Rutgers student named Tyler Clemeti killed himself. Three nights prior to the suicide, the young kid asked his roommate to have his dorm room to himself. The roommate suspected a gay sexual act was going to occur so he decided to turn a webcam on in the room which was being watch live on the internet. When Tyler found out about the ordeal, that is when he wrote a goodbye message on his Facebook account and then jumped off of the George Washington Bridge.
            The amount of individuals that use the internet is astonishing. If someone is being cyberbullied, this tends to hurt them a lot more due to the vast amount of people that are witnessing it via internet. On Facebook, I encountered that my now ex-girlfriend was cheating on me. I realized this because she had posted pictures with another guy kissing. This devastated me due to fact that all my friends and family saw this happening. It is sad to say but a lot of people, including myself, care what others think.
            The internet is a big wall that an individual may stand behind it. In other words, bullies that use the internet would say things they wouldn’t in a real life confrontation. This is done every day in many situations such as someone calling another person to argue over the phone, leaving a letter to bully the victim, or even someone driving in a car cursing at a person walking. It’s a shield that most bullies like to use due to the advantage that it gives them by protecting them.
            A bully may never know how much the victim can endure before reacting to desperate measures. That is why bullying through the internet is far worse than something physical. A fight may occur in a face to face situation. The bully can see how much pain he is actually placing the victim in; as per internet you cannot. Through the web, there is a thin line in which it may not be seen. That is the problem with bullying through the internet.
            Through personal experiences and research, the web inflicts far greater pain than any physical bullying.  The situation that occurred in Rutgers with the invasion of privacy to cyberbully is just one out of many. This is occurring way to often and needs to be addressed. So as for the question whether cyberbullying can inflict more pain than physical attacks, I strongly believe it does!