Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blog 4.2

Many individuals would like to believe that Google is the best thing that happened but I would like to object because I believe it is taking the easy way out. Google may be a useful source at times but all it’s doing is handing information on a silver platter for you. In the older days, if an individual needed to obtain some information about a subject, they had to go and interact with others who were knowledgeable about that certain subject. The library is a place of concentration where one may obtain knowledge without interruption from any electronics such as cell phones and instant messengers on computers.   
            In the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr, he emphasizes the impact that Google places on an individual’s brain. He speaks about how the brain needs deep thought and concentration to be able to retain and understand information. Google has the ability to give information too fast and without much thought to individuals. It also provides distractions with ads which Google profits off of. Nicholas Carr stresses that if an individual is interested in developing his mind, they should stop using computers and cell phones-and start thinking.
            With technology taking over the world, more individuals are losing the vital skill of socializing. Google is known to be a great search engine but it destroys one’s ability to socialize. Before computers existed, information was obtained through interacting with others or taking a trip to the library. This is seen in the younger generation where children are becoming less social by staying home to use their technology. Google is doing the same to us. Sooner or later, individuals would not be able to socialize.
            In order for the brain to retain information, deep thought and concentration is needed. This can be achieved at the library since there isn’t much distraction from cell phones or computers. The use of Google is extracting our use of the libraries. In a certain instance which I had to write a paper, the library was important because it gave me a stress and distract free environment. At first, I tried to complete the paper on my laptop at my house. With instant messenger, my cell phone, and even my girlfriend present, I wasn’t making much progress with my paper. Therefore, I decided to head to the library where the use of cell phones is prohibited. The environment this provided was crucial in the completion of my paper. Researching information through books was harder and took longer but it gave me deep concentration needed in order to remember the information. If I were to stay home and used Google to complete my paper, I believe I would have forgotten half of the information I researched.
            Many people would like to object to this but what’s the use of using Google to help research information if an individual is not going to remember it. Not only does Google destroys one’s ability to socialize, but it also takes one’s ability to retain the information they have researched. Google is spoon feeding individuals instead of one feeding themselves. So if you choose to take the easy way out, Google is the perfect place for you to research information.

1 comment:

  1. I should have tried to better tie together how Google affects the brain. A better claim was needed in order better fit in the eassay.
